Monday, March 3, 2008

Series 24 Sponsorship - Series 24 Sponsor

Many brokers and financial advisors looking to become independent or just looking to apply for a job that requires the Series 24 - will seek out Series 24 sponsorship from an NASD/FINRA brokerage firm.

A brokerage firm will not look to sponsor anyone for the Series 24 - which is a principal license (manager or supervisor) unless they intend on hiring the broker, financial advisor or other. Sponsorship is required for many broker exams.

American Investment Training offers the top online courses and hardcover study material in the market: Series 24 Course

Studying to become a principal while job hunting is helpful and certainly better than not doing anything prior to employment or affiliation.

Independent Broker

If you are an experienced financial professional, such as an insurance broker, CPA, attorney or other business where you have client contacts - many firms will be willing to hire you to work for yourself and provide Series 7 and or Series 24 sponsorship (if required by the firm). You must offer something of value to the brokerage firm. Mainly this means placing trades throught them and working as a licened financial advisor for them as an independent advisor.

AIT has a broker and advisor contact form for those interested in not only getting sponsored for the Series 24, but more importantly - getting affiliated with a top NASD FINRA brokerage firm. AIT works with fortune 500 and national independent firms. They are a trusted source, as they train for these major firms.

Free contact.

Broker Job and Sponsorship - Series 7 and Series 24